Tuesday, January 27, 2009


dear diary...
  I'm happy for I've lived another day,
  Basked in the sunshine and seen a child play.

  Felt the cold rain and seen the clouds gray,
  Walked in the sand, all done in a day.

  I feel blessed for I've been cared,
  For friends to think of, and a family that shares.

  For people to hug, and in happiness kiss,
  Unlike old neighbour Cole, who alone, awaits eternal bliss...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Aamchi Mumbai

Welcome to  my "bombay" city,
Poverty ridden O! what a pity.

Where corruption and violence are very rife,
and people's tounges move like knives.

Where people hang out of trains,
and money goes down the drains.

Actors and actresses prance around trees,
and dogs and cows rule the streets.

Yet witness here the colors of life,
be it though a child, husband, or wife.

Seldom will you be left alone in distress,
with friends always pouring in to caress.

Where the sea brings in a wave of activity,
Welcome to my "Mumbai" city :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

to be or not to be

She sat besides him all aglow,
As her wedding ended with pomp and show.

Leaving her beloved parents behind,
She set out to make relations bind.

All was well and life felt great,
Until dowry decided to change her fate.

And one fine day she was set afire,
By the same man who was her only desire.

Pain, unmoved she lay on the bed,
As the doctors grimly shook their heads.

Losing faith, her parents now let out cries,
But alas! for Anjana now belonged to the skies.