Sunday, April 19, 2009

It happened again

Brown and staid, so handsomely made
Any inhibitions; I have now betrayed

To you I come with bated breath,
so unleash my passion and be my meth!

Searching eyes search your pack,
now there is no turning back.

Warm and wet you melt in me
unknowingly setting my soul free

Your sweetness so heightens my drive,
and the darkness makes me so alive.

Having you is not my sin
why does the voice then differ within?

You’ll go back to never come,
leaving me behind, comfortably numb.

I have fallen again for the bait.
just who on earth made CHOCOLATE??


  1. Awesome! I like the way the suspense breaks in the last line.

    Very Clever! Way to go! :D

  2. Terrific. At last I have found someone who believes in rhyme/meter (blank verses are just that - blank). It's very O'Henryish -with a twist in the tale.

  3. Bait

    These 2 words rhyme....but only in a Gujarati accent ;)

    wonderful poem :D kudos to you

    - D'puk

  4. thanx everyone...and abt the bait-choc...thingy, well lets just say i took a poetic liberty!
    neways, keep reading!
